Please, meet Quartermaster III rank BLITSHTEIN David Isaakovich 1906, who served as a sailor on the symbolic cruiser “Aurora” during 1928 – 1931. The cruiser “Aurora” is currently preserved as a museum ship in Saint Petersburg. Aurora was one of three Pallada-class cruisers, built in Saint Petersburg for service in the Pacific. All three ships of this class served during the Russo-Japanese War.
The FCM 60197 medal bestowed for the period of Odessa defence by decree of 29.12.1941 by the Black sea Navy.

Citation: “He reliably provided refuelling capability to the vessels and other units in the difficult circumstances of the constant enemy air raids, bombardments, and artillery barrages against our fuel depots.
Close proximity of the front line required proper fuel supplies, which was provided by his department.
During the Odessa defence, the fuel was always supplied in time despite the difficulties, like f.ex. delivery to the town Ismail, to the artillery batteries, and to the ships; despite enemy artillery barrages and barges being damaged, or barges personnel being wounded and taken out of action. The supplies were delivered in time despite large quantity of ships in the port.
I recommend comrade BLITSHTEIN for a state award medal “For Combat Merits”.