Captain GORODOV, 150 rifle division, Berlin battle

Please, meet captain GORODOV Anatolij Ivanovich, 1913.
Captain GORODOV served in the 171 separate chemical defence company, 150 rifle “Idritsa” division.
This division was the main to assault and capture the Reichstag building.
GORODOV was bestowed OPW2 for the action on 26 April 1945:

“In the street fighting in Berlin on 26 April 1945, captain GORODOV managed the smoke screen application during the forced crossing of the Verbindungs canal by the 756 rifle regiment.
Under heavy enemy machine-gun and sniper fire, he set up 2 smoke screens, one of which was done on the southern bank by our smoke-chemists, who crossed among the first. The smoke screen covered the bridge, which provided successful crossing by the regiment to the southern bank.“

The 150RD combat diary also highlights the important role the smoke screen played on 26 April 1945.

Berlin capture medal and document.