Order Glory III found the veteran 44 years after WWII

It took 44 years, until Sgt. EVSEENKO Dmitry Zakharovich received his order of Glory III class bestowed upon him on 16 May 1945. The award was handed to him in June 1989.
Sgt. EVSEENKO was the 45mm gun battery commander, 887 rifle regiment, 211 rifle division, 1 Guards army, 1 Ukrainian front.

Award citation:
“In the combat engagement for the settlement Gorzyczki on 30 April 1945, he fired from an open sights position and eliminated 2 enemy snipers hiding in a house.
When the platoon commander was wounded and taken out of the action, he replaced him and continued the pursuit of the retreating enemy.“

Signed by the commander of 887 rifle regiment Lt. Col. ANTONOV on 14 May 1945.

Map 211RD on 30Apr1945 near Gorzyczki, Poland.